Bulk Order DTF Snapback Hats

Bulk order snapback hats

Blank bulk order snapback hats ready for your custom PRINT READY DTF artwork!

MOQ of 10 hats. Bulk Order Discounts as follows:

  • 0 -19 Hats – $0.00/hat discount
  • 20 – 35 Hats  – $1.00/hat discount
  • 36-49 Hats – $2.00/hat discount
  • 50 or more Hats – $2.50/hat discount

Your artwork should be designed in a 6 inch by 4 inch canvas at 300DPI. This will allow us to downscale (rather than upscale) your artwork to fit the size of your prints. We offer print working services for hats (front and back) up to the following dimensions:

  • 5 inches in width by 3 inches in height.

Artwork must be in the following formats:

  • Adobe Illustrator AI file (.AI)
  • Encapsulated Post script file (.EPS)
  • Adobe PDF file (.PDF)
  • Adobe Photoshop file (.PSD)
  • Portable Network Graphics file (.PNG)

Files should be original and generated from the programs mentioned above. Artwork in an unsupported format (.JPEG, .GIF, etc.) converted/wrapped in a supported file type (.ai, .pdf, .psd. png, etc.) will be rejected.

If your artwork is not PRINT READY, please check out our graphic design packages designed to accommodate most situations with unsupported artwork.

  • Gang Sheet Customers: Please note, it is the customers responsibility to ensure the artwork submitted meets all printing requirements. Brand Your Life Print Works will not review gang sheet artwork and will print the artwork as it is submitted.